10 Signs That You Might Be an Old Soul

Old souls carry out many features, make it possible to teach the younger.

Openhearted Rebellion

By Ashlee McCabe,Wake Up World

My Soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there.” — Rumi

I will never forget being 7 years old and overhearing my friends mother politely tell my parents that I was “too big for my boots”, and that I “knew too much for my age”. Though I had little comprehension of what she meant at the time, it was the first instance I can recall where I began to realize that I was somehow different to most other children my own age.

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Author: RoibeardH

Mid age Celt, incarnated on earth at ascension time to experience mankind's decision. Awaken in 2011 and learned so many new stuff, lots from my telepathic contacts that support a wide viewpoint.

Time Transformers

Temmerian Transmissions

Battleground Earth

by Wes Penre of WesPenre.com

Kate of Gaia

In The Mirror

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