A New Species Of Psychedelic Lichen Found To Contain Psilocybin & DMT

By Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution A newly discovered species of lichen from Ecuador that contains both tryptamine and psilocybin has recently been discovered, dispelling the belief that the in…

Source: A New Species Of Psychedelic Lichen Found To Contain Psilocybin & DMT

Wondered? DMT is nature, occurs in our pineal gland an support multidimensional functions. Typical overdose with outer DMT results to known effects. If we clean up our pineal gland, we will have a solid supply with the god molecule.

Author: RoibeardH

Mid age Celt, incarnated on earth at ascension time to experience mankind's decision. Awaken in 2011 and learned so many new stuff, lots from my telepathic contacts that support a wide viewpoint.

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